English Version - *version française dessous* MY ACRYLIC ARMY I’ve experimented with many different types of paint. When I first started, I only used oil-based paints. However, I wasn’t crazy about them, primarily because when I worked in my parent’s jewelry factory, I developed a deep dislike of the smell of the chemicals we used, especially the solvents. I tried both oil and chalk-based pastels. I started using the chalk pastels on 600 grit automotive sandpaper. I enjoyed blending the colors together on the sandpaper’s grit. It was a bit rough on the fingers, but I loved the results! But I was always concerned about the permanency of the medium. Then I fell in love with acrylics. They were much less toxic than oils. They dried quickly which was important because often, my time to paint was very limited. I loved being able to create my own colors and having the freedom to drip, spra...