

English Version - *version française dessous* NO REMORSE… NO REGRETS My Dad lived a long and full life.   He passed away a very happy man in 2021 aged 102 years, 2 months and 2 days.     One of Dad’s favourite expressions was no remorse… no regrets.   I’d like to be able to say the same thing, but it would not be true.   There are certain things I regret and wish I could have do-overs, but life doesn’t work that way.   Therefore, I have always tried to look forward, not backward.     I do have two regrets about my gallery that I’ll share...   The first concerns my mom. When I first started painting, I spent a lot of happy times with her watching Bob Ross paint on the PBS channel.   Mom really encouraged me to paint. My regret is she never got to see the gallery and the works she helped inspire… especially my sunflowers.   I’m pretty sure wherever she is, she had a hand in the gallery’s success.     My other regret is the gallery’s name. We named it after me because it


  Version française - *English Version below* JOIGNEZ-VOUS À MOI ! Je suis fier d'annoncer que je participerai à la 3e édition du SALON DES ARTISTES au Marché Bonsecours qui se trouve juste en face de notre galerie.  L'événement a lieu du 18 au 21 juillet et est organisé par la Galerie Lenoir. Mon équipe et moi serons présents du vendredi au dimanche pour vous rencontrer et vous présenter mes oeuvres exposées!  Je vous invite personnellement à vous joindre à moi et à voir certaines de mes dernières créations ainsi que l'art de nombreux autres artistes talentueux !   English Version PLEASE JOIN ME!                    I’m proud to announce that I will be participating in the 3rd edition of SALON DES ARTISTES at Marché Bonsecours which is right across the street from our Gallery.  The event takes place July 18 - 21 and is organized by Galerie Lenoir.  My team and I will be present from Friday to Sunday to meet you and present my exhibited works. I personally invite you to join


  Version française - *English Version below* JOIGNEZ-VOUS À MOI ! Je suis fier d'annoncer que je participerai à la 3e édition du SALON DES ARTISTES au Marché Bonsecours qui se trouve juste en face de notre galerie.  L'événement a lieu du 18 au 21 juillet et est organisé par la Galerie Lenoir. Le vernissage d'ouverture se fait  sur   invitation uniquement  le jeudi 18 juillet de 18h30 à 22h00. Si vous souhaitez y assister, veuillez envoyer une demande par e-mail à la galerie à l'adresse  et nous nous assurerons que vos noms figurent sur la liste des invités. Je vous invite personnellement à vous joindre à moi et à voir certaines de mes dernières créations ainsi que l'art de nombreux autres artistes talentueux !   English Version PLEASE JOIN ME!                    I’m proud to announce that I will be participating in the 3rd edition of SALON DES ARTISTES at Marché Bonsecours which is right across the street from our Gallery.  The event takes p


Version française - *English Version below* JOIGNEZ-VOUS À MOI ! Je suis fier d'annoncer que je participerai à la 3e édition du SALON DES ARTISTES au Marché Bonsecours qui se trouve juste en face de notre galerie.  L'événement a lieu du 18 au 21 juillet et est organisé par la Galerie Lenoir. Le vernissage d'ouverture se fait  sur   invitation uniquement  le jeudi 18 juillet de 18h30 à 22h00. Si vous souhaitez y assister, veuillez envoyer une demande par e-mail à la galerie à l'adresse et nous nous assurerons que vos noms figurent sur la liste des invités. Je vous invite personnellement à vous joindre à moi et à voir certaines de mes dernières créations ainsi que l'art de nombreux autres artistes talentueux !   English Version PLEASE JOIN ME!                    I’m proud to announce that I will be participating in the 3rd edition of SALON DES ARTISTES at Marché Bonsecours which is right across the street from our Gallery.  The event take


English Version - *version française dessous* HAPPY JACKSON POLLOCKS There are five painters who had a major influence on my art journey.  The first were Degas, Monet and Van Gogh.  I loved Degas’ dancers, Monet’s landscapes and Van Gogh’s use of colour.  Then I discovered Quebec’s own Jean-Paul Riopelle.  The last major influence was Jackson Pollock.   The first time I saw one of his paintings in the early 90’s I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about.  But as time went on, I began to appreciate the beauty of his art… especially his drip paintings.  I began to read everything I could about Pollock and his life.  I watched all the films on his sad life and art.  Today, when I visit a museum and see his paintings, they take my breath away!  Pollocks works are stunning and make me feel alive!   Like Pollock, many of my larger canvases are painted on the floor and I use bottles with different sized needles to create my own type of drip technique.  Often, people visit my studio and


     English Version - *version française dessous* THE ART OF SHIPPING ART My wife Francine takes care of running the gallery and, with the assistance of her colleagues, curates the collection on display.   Francine also oversees the shipping process.   Since we opened the gallery in 2013, she has shipped my art to over 30 different countries around the world.     Usually, smaller paintings are packaged on site and Collectors leave the gallery with them.   We also have a company that specializes in delivering art to locations in Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa and the Greater Toronto area.   Francine carefully packages these paintings and then we load them directly onto trucks that deliver the art to the Collectors home.   Sometimes, the same company provides a “white glove service” and they will actually install my art in the Collector’s home.   For most other destinations, Francine creates custom crates in wood.  I know for a fact this is the job Francine enjoys doing most


    English Version - *version française dessous* A FAMILY GALLERY My wife Francine and I opened the gallery in May 2013.   It was supposed to be a pop-up gallery with the objective of selling 50 paintings by the end of September 2013.   We did that by the end of June and made the decision to keep our gallery open indefinitely.   Our other major objective was to create a “Family Gallery” meaning that everyone would feel welcome regardless of whether they were going to acquire a piece of art or not.   It didn’t matter who you were, we wanted everyone to feel welcome and have an enjoyable experience.     Francine, who manages the gallery, went out of her way to recruit and train her colleagues to greet everyone warmly and answer any questions they had about my art.   If they had children and wanted to browse, they would often give the kids coloring books and crayons.   They would even sit with them as they made their own creations!   If they had pets, they would give them wat