English Version - *version française dessous* HAPPY JACKSON POLLOCKS There are five painters who had a major influence on my art journey. The first were Degas, Monet and Van Gogh. I loved Degas’ dancers, Monet’s landscapes and Van Gogh’s use of colour. Then I discovered Quebec’s own Jean-Paul Riopelle. The last major influence was Jackson Pollock. The first time I saw one of his paintings in the early 90’s I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. But as time went on, I began to appreciate the beauty of his art… especially his drip paintings. I began to read everything I could about Pollock and his life. I watched all the films on his sad life and art. Today, when I visit a museum and see his paintings, they take my breath away! Pollocks works are stunning and make me feel alive! Like Pollock, many of my larger canvases are painted on the floor and I use bottles with different sized needles to create my own type ...